Our Case Studies

Expert tourism marketing is important but not always easy. The World Wide Web should make it easier for tourism managers to reach potential visitors. The problem is obvious though – everyone else is using the Web to the best of their ability. There is a flood of Texas tourism information available, but not all of it is organized or easy to find.

Texas tourism, like tourism everywhere, relies on effective and sustained digital marketing efforts. Hardly anyone will stay at that historic B&B after they see one ad on Google.  Good marketing efforts begin with knowing what the area has to offer, go to recruiting partners in the community, then on to creating great web content and tracking performance metrics.

On this page, you can learn more about digital marketing practices that promote economic development and tourism. You will also learn about measuring results and about thinking creatively to present your town’s attractions to as many people as possible. Of course, Found TX has case studies available, which you can review below.

Social media and Web pages are almost obligatory marketing challenges today. Of course, tourism and business developers know the value of good Web pages, active LinkedIn pages, and so on. The point is to know how well these things work, and what to do if the results are unsatisfactory.

Do you know how well your social media accounts are working? Digital marketers often look at the following social media metrics:

  • Likes and shares
  • Sources of traffic
  • Comments
  • Trends in the above

If you are marketing local attractions, restaurants, and motels on social media, you want to know your numbers. More importantly, you need to track trends in engagement (likes, shares, follows, comments) so you know what content really works and what content to maybe abandon, at least for a time.

Our clients have a variety of tourism marketing challenges that called for a variety of marketing tactics. But, they all wanted to partner with marketing experts to make their town findable by as many people as possible.

Does professional tourism marketing help that much? Could a city just hire a web designer and an SEO specialist, to create a new site and lure in visitors respectively? Yes, but the results might be disappointing for the price. Click on each of these case studies to learn more about the challenges our client faced, what we did and how it worked out for the client.

Found News

Attracting Visitors: Tips and Tricks for Marketing Your Town

Photo@chettripper Marketing is essential for small towns with the goal of attracting visitors year-round. Without marketing, your hidden gem will only be discovered by happenstance. Thankfully, marketing can be simplified to be low maintenance and highly effective. Tips and Tricks

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small town marketing
Found News

How To Do Small Town Marketing?

Marketing is an effective way to sell anything! In a world where smartphones, the internet, and digital worlds exist, marketing can be extremely competitive. Because of the pandemic, various institutions are looking for new ways to raise funds and stay

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If any of these challenges and outcomes is relatable, don’t hesitate to get in touch and find out how we can help your town attract more visitors and generate more tax revenue.

Every town has something to attract tourists, often many things. The point is to think creatively about what attractions and points of interest you have. Cover hotels, motels, chain restaurants, gift shops, and local restaurants of course. Call out businesses that offer something special like a craft cider brewery that offers tours and tastings.

Is there an obscure museum? Make sure people know about it. Tiny Cross Plains, Texas is a place most people have never heard of, even in Texas. However, the town was home to Robert E. Howard, one of the world’s most influential fantasy writers. His former home is now a small museum.

The point here is to promote your town in as many ways as possible. Leverage connections of any kind:

  • Literary as with Cross Plains
  • Military history
  • Natural history
  • Historic districts in town
  • Proximity to a huge state or national park
  • Historic landmarks like Route 66
  • Food and drink

Texas toursim marketing case studies from Found TX are available now. Feel free to contact us and ask for more information. This page will be expanded as we have more results to share.

Is promotion of tourism a big part of your town’s economic development plan? If you have a business development or tourism marketing challenges in your city and would like some expert marketing help, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our tourism marketing experts are here to help.